the hereos we serve
From equipement to training, our volunteer hereos have needs that they can't always fill.
Search and Rescue
From a lost hiker or child stranded in the Smoky Mountains, to a victim of a storm damaged home, these heroes come when called.
State Guards
Like the Federal National Guard, these soldiers stand ready to defend, protect, and serve their state. But unlike the federal troops, they are not paid unless activated by the governor.
fire departments
All across rural America, residents count on volunteer fire departments for structure fires, vehicle accidents, and medical emergencies. And many provide their own equipement.
Volunteers comprise 65% of firefighters in the United States. Of the total estimated 1,041,200 firefighters across the country, 676,900 are volunteer.
In the military, "voluntold" is a term used to describe a situation where a service member is given a task or assignment and is told to do it as if they volunteered, even though they may not have actually volunteered for it. It's a playful blend of "volunteer" and "told," and it's often used humorously to describe being assigned a task without having a choice in the matter.
Volunteers often fall into the world of "volunteering" far more than what they initially are prepared for, often without the proper equipement and supplies to complete their mission. And that is where comes into the picture with donations of safety equipment, supplies, and training so that our volunteers can concentrate on their mission.
Our asociated agencies and sponsors
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